from lib.display import Display display = Display() import time from lib.userinput import UserInput # Colors WHITE = 0xFFFF BLACK = 0x0000 HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = 0x07E0 # Green # Initialize Keyboard Input input_device = UserInput() # Default Values plugboard_map = {} rotor_positions = [0, 0, 0] # Preset Rotors & Reflectors rotors_preset = [ "EKMFLGDQVZNTOWYHXUSPAIBRCJ", "AJDKSIRUXBLHWTMCQGZNPYFVOE", "BDFHJLCPRTXVZNYEIWGAKMUSQO", "ESOVPZJAYQUIRHXLNFTGKDCMWB", "VZBRGITYUPSDNHLXAWMJQOFECK" ] reflectors_preset = [ "EJMZALYXVBWFCRQUONTSPIKHGD", "YRUHQSLDPXNGOKMIEBFZCWVJAT", "FVPJIAOYEDRZXWGCTKUQSBNMHL", "MOWJYPUXNDSRAIBFVLKZGQCHET" ] # Preset Plugboard Settings preset_plugboard = { "Preset I": "AT,BR,DY,EV,FS,IU,KM,LN,OP" } # Constants for menu rendering MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 5 def display_text(text): """Display text on the screen""" display.fill(0) display.text(text, 10, 10, WHITE) def display_menu(title, options, highlight_index): """Display menu with highlight centered on the text.""" display.fill(BLACK) display.text(title, 5, 5, WHITE) # Title at the top y_pos = 30 # Initial vertical position for menu options box_height = 20 # Height of the highlight box for i, option in enumerate(options): text_width = len(option) * 8 # Assume 8 pixels per character width text_height = 8 # Assume 8 pixels per character height (adjust based on your font) x_text = 5 # Text horizontal offset y_text = y_pos + (box_height - text_height) // 2 # Center text vertically in box if i == highlight_index: display.fill_rect(0, y_pos, display.width, box_height, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR) display.text(option, x_text, y_text, BLACK) # Highlighted text in black else: display.text(option, x_text, y_pos + (box_height - text_height) // 2, WHITE) # Regular text y_pos += box_height # Move to the next menu item def get_user_selection(title, options): """Allow user to select from a menu""" index = 0 while True: display_menu(title, options, index) keys = input_device.get_new_keys() if "DOWN" in keys: index = (index + 1) % len(options) elif "UP" in keys: index = (index - 1) % len(options) elif "ENT" in keys: return options[index] # Return selected option elif "ESC" in keys: return None # Exit selection def get_custom_input(prompt): """Allow user to enter a custom string""" text = "" while True: display_text(f"{prompt}\n{text}") keys = input_device.get_new_keys() if keys: for key in keys: if key == "ENT": return text.upper() elif key == "BSPC": text = text[:-1] elif key == "SPC": text += " " elif len(key) == 1: text += key.upper() if "ESC" in keys: return None # Exit input mode def setup_enigma(): """User selection of settings""" global plugboard_map, rotors, reflector # Plugboard Selection choice = get_user_selection("Plugboard:", ["Preset I", "Custom"]) if choice is None: return elif choice == "Preset I": plugboard_settings = preset_plugboard["Preset I"] else: plugboard_settings = get_custom_input("Enter Plugboard (e.g., AT,BR,DY):") plugboard_map = {} if plugboard_settings: for pair in plugboard_settings.split(","): if len(pair) == 2: plugboard_map[pair[0]] = pair[1] plugboard_map[pair[1]] = pair[0] # Rotor 1 Selection choice = get_user_selection("Rotor 1:", ["Preset", "Custom"]) if choice is None: return elif choice == "Preset": rotor_1 = get_user_selection("Choose Rotor 1", rotors_preset) else: rotor_1 = get_custom_input("Enter Rotor 1:") # Rotor 2 Selection choice = get_user_selection("Rotor 2:", ["Preset", "Custom"]) if choice is None: return elif choice == "Preset": rotor_2 = get_user_selection("Choose Rotor 2", rotors_preset) else: rotor_2 = get_custom_input("Enter Rotor 2:") # Rotor 3 Selection choice = get_user_selection("Rotor 3:", ["Preset", "Custom"]) if choice is None: return elif choice == "Preset": rotor_3 = get_user_selection("Choose Rotor 3", rotors_preset) else: rotor_3 = get_custom_input("Enter Rotor 3:") rotors = [rotor_1, rotor_2, rotor_3] # Reflector Selection choice = get_user_selection("Reflector:", ["Preset", "Custom"]) if choice is None: return elif choice == "Preset": reflector = get_user_selection("Choose Reflector", reflectors_preset) else: reflector = get_custom_input("Enter Reflector:") def encrypt_message(message): """Encrypts a full message with debugging""" print(f"\nEncrypting Message: {message.upper()}") encrypted_text = "".join([encrypt_character(ch) if ch.isalpha() else ch for ch in message]) print(f"Final Encrypted Output: {encrypted_text}\n") return encrypted_text def step_rotors(): """Handles rotor stepping logic""" global rotor_positions rotor_positions[2] = (rotor_positions[2] + 1) % 26 if rotor_positions[2] == 0: rotor_positions[1] = (rotor_positions[1] + 1) % 26 if rotor_positions[1] == 0: rotor_positions[0] = (rotor_positions[0] + 1) % 26 print(f"Updated Rotor Positions: {rotor_positions}") def pass_through_rotor(letter, wiring, offset): in_index = (ord(letter) - 65 + offset) % 26 mapped_letter = wiring[in_index] mapped_index = (ord(mapped_letter) - 65 - offset + 26) % 26 return chr(mapped_index + 65) def pass_backward_through_rotor(letter, wiring, offset): """Pass a letter backward through a rotor with correct logic""" shifted_index = (ord(letter) - 65 + offset) % 26 # Shift letter forward by rotor offset letter_at = chr(shifted_index + 65) # Find new character after offset shift found_index = wiring.index(letter_at) # Locate this shifted character in the rotor wiring final_index = (found_index - offset + 26) % 26 # Reverse the offset to restore position return chr(final_index + 65) # Convert back to A-Z def reflect_letter(letter): """Reflect a letter through the reflector""" return reflector[ord(letter) - 65] def encrypt_character(letter): """Encrypts a single character using the Enigma process""" step_rotors() # Step rotors before encryption if letter in plugboard_map: letter = plugboard_map[letter] # Forward through rotors letter = pass_through_rotor(letter, rotors[2], rotor_positions[2]) letter = pass_through_rotor(letter, rotors[1], rotor_positions[1]) letter = pass_through_rotor(letter, rotors[0], rotor_positions[0]) # Reflect letter = reflect_letter(letter) # Backward through rotors letter = pass_backward_through_rotor(letter, rotors[0], rotor_positions[0]) letter = pass_backward_through_rotor(letter, rotors[1], rotor_positions[1]) letter = pass_backward_through_rotor(letter, rotors[2], rotor_positions[2]) if letter in plugboard_map: letter = plugboard_map[letter] return letter def main(): """Main function to run the Enigma Machine on the MicroHydra""" setup_enigma() # Call the setup function display.fill(0) display_text("Enigma Ready") time.sleep(2) message = "" while True: keys = input_device.get_new_keys() if keys: for key in keys: if key == "ENT": encrypted_text = encrypt_message(message.upper()) display_text(encrypted_text) message = "" elif key == "BSPC": message = message[:-1] display_text(message) elif key == "SPC": message += " " display_text(message) elif len(key) == 1: message += key.upper() display_text(message) main()